If you get
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in I:\PP\public\index.php on line 50
error while installing Laravel 5, you are probably running on old PHP version – make sure to upgrade to 5.6.* and higher.
Crafting application... Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T _STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in I:\PP\artisan on line 31 Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the post-install-cmd event returned w ith an error [RuntimeException] Error Output: run-script [--dev] [--no-dev] [-l|--list] [script] [args1] ... [argsN] Application ready! Build something amazing.
Update to newer version of PHP.