PrestaShop – check product category in smarty .tpl

If you need to display some block based on product’s category and you want to check for that category right in the smarty template ( e.g. product.tpl ) you can do so using this code – which as an example uses category 27 as base reference. You can easily find your category ID in admin.

{assign var='cats' value=Product::getProductCategories($}
{if in_array(27, $cats)}
.. following will only be displayed if this product is in category of ID 27

If you for some reason can’t find your category ID, you can look for it by adding following into product.tpl

{assign var='cats' value=Product::getProductCategories($}
Just reload page and you will see in which categories this product is. Alternatively you could use
to access all smarty available variables and look in there.